Set a Wake Schedule On The DARWIN Tablet

Schedule and customise your sleep and wake experiences through the “Experiences” section of the DARWIN Tablet.  From the DARWIN Tablet home screen, locate the navigation bar on the left hand side of the screen and follow the instructions below:

  1. Tap "Experiences".
  2. Locate and tap “Schedules” near the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Locate the desired room. Not that only bedrooms will appear for sleep and wake scheduling.
  4. Tap “Add” for the room you wish to schedule.
  5. Tap “Set Wake”.
  6. Tap the time to set a wake time.
  7. Tap the days you wish to use this wake time. A blue check signifies that a day has been selected.
  8. Tap the elements you wish to include in your experience.
  9. If audio is selected, “Track” appears. Tap “Track” to select a desired sound to wake to. Tap the play button next to a track to hear a preview of the audio. Select your desired track and click “Apply” when finished.
  10. If no speakers are installed DARWIN can also play the wake audio though the selected device.
  11. Tap “Save” to set the Wake Schedule.

To edit existing Wake schedule, scroll and locate the desired experience on the “Schedules” page (indicated with alarm clock) and tap “Edit”.


Feel free to reach out to DARWIN Customer Support if you have any further questions.

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